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Our students

Luiza Mirzoyan, Content Writer and Digital Campaigns Manager

Luiza Mirzoyan.jpg

The MA program was a vibrant and rewarding experience that provided me with the chance to pursue independent interdisciplinary research supervised by the outstanding faculty members.



Thanks to the excellent course tutor support and preparation, I went on to pursue another life-changing Master's degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. Today, I am back in Sofia and working as a Content Writer and Digital Campaigns Manager at a smart city solutions company, called Rhythm Engineering.

Tsvetanka Mavrodieva, Data Analyst

This MA program is a well-balanced blend between the study of semiotic theory and contemporary practical examples of how it is being employed  in electronic communication and by social media.   It also allows for obtaining a good level of Spanish as a second language which is another key benefit. 

In my current career of a data analyst I’m using a lot of the knowledge I’ve gained, such as the Gestalt principles, as well as the theory of communication codes, in transforming data into easily comprehensible visuals. Employing color codes, design and communication theory allows the presentation of complex datasets in a straightforward and accessible manner at a glance.

Daniela Valeva,

Lecturer in English at the Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch

What I liked the most about the MA Programme was that it combined linguistic subjects with media ones in a rather successful way. The fact that the subjects were taught in English further helped me practice and improve my language skills.


The programme also motivated me to further my education by applying for a PhD. Currently, I teach English at the Technical University of Sofia - Branch Plovdiv.

The MA Programme prepares highly qualified and versatile specialists as, on the one hand, it introduces students to the most relevant achievements in the field of linguistic pragmatics, the theory of metaphors, psycholinguistics and semiotics, and on the other hand, it expands the knowledge of philologists into the spheres of advertising, new media and marketing communication, which are an essential part of contemporary culture.

The students who successfully complete the MA Programme can find professional realization as copywriters in advertising agencies, as experts in mass media and cultural institutions, as researchers in academia, as experts in state administration, diplomatic missions, etc. They will have the necessary qualification to teach at universities as well as to continue their studies as doctoral students in the sphere of applied or theoretical linguistics.


Магистърската програма дава възможност за подготовка на висококвалифицирани и широкопрофилни специалисти, тъй като, от една страна, представя най-интересните постижения в областта на лингвистичната прагматика, теорията на метафората, психолингвистиката и семиотиката, а от друга, разширява познанията на филолозите в областта на рекламата, новите медии и маркетинговите комуникации, които са неотменна част от съвременната цивилизация.


Завършилите програмата могат да намерят професионална реализация като копирайтъри в рекламни агенции, сътрудници в средствата за масова информация и културните институции, изследователи в научни институти, служители в държавната администрация, дипломатическите представителства и др. Те ще имат необходимата подготовка да работят като преподаватели във висшите училища, а също така да продължат образованието си с докторантура в сферата на приложната или теоретичната лингвистика.

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